ASE Certification Test Prep - Car/Light Truck Study Guide Package A1-A9 (Motor Age Training) (Spiral Bound)
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The Motor Age ASE test prep package for the A-series test series combines all the knowledge necessary for technicians to successfully prepare for and pass the 9 exams of the ASE A-series certification exams.
The Motor Age car and light truck study guides thoroughly provide detailed and valuable background information, including an ASE A-series exam task list for each test, detailing exactly what type of knowledge and experience is necessary in order to comfortably obtain your ASE certification. The motor age training study guide is easy-to-read with detailed illustrations with examples of test materials and real life examples.
The ASE A series test prep package thoroughly covers the Car & Light Truck series (Set of all 9 books): (A1) Engine Repair, (A2) Automatic Transmission, (A3) Manual Drive train, (A4) Steering & Suspension, (A5) Brakes, (A6) Electronic/Electrical Systems, (A7) Heating & A/C, (A8) Engine Performance, (A9) Light Vehicle Diesel Engines.
The Motor Age training car and light truck A series package also contains ASE practice test questions, written in the style of the ASE exam, which provides answers explaining why a particular solution is correct. You'll gain valuable insight into how to take the ASE technician’s certification exam and a use the books as a reference manual you can use on the job.
As a testament to the confidence we have in the quality of our study guides, we offer a money-back guarantee. If you don’t pass your ASE test within 90 days after purchasing one of our corresponding study guides, send us a copy of your test results and book receipt, and we’ll refund the entire cost of the study guide – less shipping & handling.
When searching for the motor age training books, the ASE Certification Test Prep - Car/Light Truck Study Guide Package A1-A9 is an excellent choice. The spiral bound version of these books are great for those who really use and abuse their books. Our proprietary binding helps you lay this title flat for easier reading and handling.
Product Details
- Publisher : Advanstar Communication Inc.; 5th edition (January 1, 2018)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1934855472
- ISBN-13 : 978-1934855607
- Item Weight : 6.87 pounds
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